Wednesday, 15 January, 2025


IATC國際劇評人協會(International Association of Theatre Critics)於2010年2月發布了「評論人的十項專業守則」,劇評人協會台灣分會(IATC TAIWAN)將其翻譯成中文如下。


1.      身為寫作者和思考者,和/或是與學術圈的各層面有聯繫的學者,評論人應始終注意專業慣例,尊重藝術和知識的自由,並應以最有益於劇場藝術理念的方式來寫作。

2.      評論人應認識到,他們自己的想像經驗和知識通常是有限的,因此,面對新的想法、形式、風格和實踐應持開放態度。

3.      評論人應該以誠實和適當的方式發表意見,同時也要尊重藝術家的個人尊嚴。

4.      評論人應持開明態度,(在適當的情況下)揭示自己的立場-無論是藝術或個人方面-這也是構成評論的一部分。

5.      評論人應把刺激公共討論視為發表評論的目標之一。

6.      評論人應努力以最佳的身心狀態看演出,並應在整個表演中保持專注。

7.      評論人應盡可能準確具體地描述、分析和評價作品,並以實例來支持他們自己的論點。

8.      評論人應盡一切可能避免外部壓力和控制,包括個人恩惠和財務引誘。

9.      評論人應盡一切可能避免涉入利益衝突,應拒絕評論與他們有個人關聯的任何製作,或在與他們有個人關聯的評審團中擔任職務。

10.   評論人不應做任何可能使他們的職業、實踐、個人誠信或劇場藝術聲譽受損的事情。


Theatre is among the most interactive of the performing arts. As privileged spectators, theatre critics share with audiences and performers the same time and space, the same individual and collective stimuli, the same immediate and long-term experiences. As working theatre commentators, we seek in our individual ways to articulate these interactions as a frame for discussion and as a meaningful part of the interpretation and significance of theatrical performance. The International Association of Theatre Critics therefore urges its members worldwide to accept as an agreed starting point the core professional guidelines articulated in this document

1. As writers and thinkers in the media and/or as scholars connected to various branches of academic discourse, theatre critics should always remain aware of normative professional practices, respect artistic and intellectual freedom, and should write in what they believe to be the best interests of the ideals of the art of theatre.

2. Theatre critics should recognize that their own imaginative experience and knowledge is often limited and should be open to new ideas, forms, styles and practice.

3. Theatre critics should speak truthfully and appropriately while respecting the personal dignity of the artists to whom they are responding.

4. Theatre critics should be open-minded and reveal (as appropriate) prejudices – both artistic and personal – as part of their work.

5. Theatre critics should have as one of their goals a desire to motivate discussion of the work.

6. Theatre critics should strive to come to the theatrical performance in their best physical and mental condition, and should remain alert throughout the performance.

7. Theatre critics should try to describe, analyze, and evaluate the work as precisely and specifically as possible, supporting their remarks with concrete examples.

8. Theatre critics should make every possible effort to avoid external pressures and controls, including personal favours and financial enticements.

9. Theatre critics should make every possible effort to avoid situations which are or which can be perceived to be conflicts of interest by declining to review any production with which they are personally connected or by serving on juries with which they are personally connected.

10. Theatre critics should not do anything that would bring into disrepute their profession or practice, their own integrity or that of the art of the theatre.

出處 : 國際劇評人協會網站Code of Practice